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Home » Auto Battery Safety Month
October 16, 2015

Auto Battery Safety Month

Car Battery

Did you know that October is auto battery safety month? Whether you are driving one mile a day or 20, it’s very important to make sure that your car battery is fully charged.  Not sure how to tell if the charge is full?  Here are three warning signs that can help you determine when your battery is beginning to fail.

  • Starting your vehicle – If your car struggles to turn on, the battery is likely the cause. How can you tell if it‘s beginning to die? You’ll hear a clicking noise when you try to start the engine, because the battery is the sole source for the spark that ignites the gasoline and air mixture in the engine.
  • Electrical accessories (Such as power windows, dashboard lights and the radio) – These will become sluggish if the battery is low. Windows will roll up and down slower than normal, the dashboard lights may become dim and the radio may delay in turning on.
  • Lights – Dimming headlights typically indicate a dying battery.  A trick to detect this is by having someone stand a short distance in front of your car. Turn it on and if the headlights fade while the car is being started, the battery is dying and needs to be serviced.

Call us at 888.908.6822 to speak to an advisor to help make sure that your vehicle is prepped for the cold New England months!

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