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Home » 3 Simple Car Maintenance Tips for Summer
August 2, 2017

3 Simple Car Maintenance Tips for Summer

Washing the car 

The best time of year to teach kids about cleaning and maintaining a car is in the August heat! While the little ones are playing with a bucket of suds and staying cool, take a few minutes to check up on some important features of your car that will help keep you and your passengers safe this summer:


  1. Windshield wipers. A dirty windshield can be a real hazard with the bright summer sun, so check your windshield wipers and clean the inside of your windshield. Use white vinegar and paper towels to keep the glass streak-free. Often we don’t notice the build up until it’s too late, so make a habit of regular cleanings.
  2. Air filters and pollen filters. Consider cleaning or replacing your air filters and pollen filters regularly, as debris can build up and prevent you from enjoying the air conditioning in your car. Keep the A/C running efficiently by checking the owner’s manual of your car to see if you can easily replace the filters yourself.
  3. Tires. Summertime is full of road trips – check your tire pressure before you hit the highway. In case of a flat, you’ll want your spare to be in good condition. Take a look at the manufacture date, located on the sidewall of the tire, and if it’s older than 10 years, you’ll want to replace it.

Taking good care of your car isn’t just about its physical shape, but protection from any future damages. Educators Insurance is here to help you with your insurance needs. Give us a call at 888.908.6822 and we can assist you with any questions you have about the coverage on your auto policy.


LC 2017-359 

Categories: Auto Insurance

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