8 Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe this Winter
When you live in a cold climate, you know that winter presents various dangers if you’re exposed to the elements for too long. Well, the same goes for animals. Your pets will need special care when the temperature drops to below freezing. Whether you take your dog for walks or you have an indoor/outdoor cat, consider these tips to keep your furry friend safe this winter season.
- The chemicals and salt used to melt ice can irritate animal’s paws. Plus, it can be harmful if ingested. Once you and your pet arrive back home, use a towel to clean off their paws (especially between the toes).
- If your pet’s paws are particularly sensitive to the cold, you can buy doggie booties or massage petroleum jelly into the paw pads as a protectant.
- Antifreeze, though it has a sweet taste, is toxic to pets. Try to clean up spills immediately.
- Use a humidifier in your home to reduce the effects of dry heat, which can cause itchy, flaky skin in both pets and humans.
- Your dog’s fur coat keeps Fido warm, so don’t shave your pooch during winter. If you have a short-haired dog, consider buying a doggie sweater or jacket to provide additional warmth.
- Ensure your pet has a warm, dry place to sleep. Pet beds should be kept indoors and away from drafts.
- Pets burn more energy while trying to stay warm, so a bit of extra food during winter can provide those necessary calories. Be sure to keep the water bowl filled so your pet can stay hydrated.
- Cats and other critters may crawl into the wheel wells or hoods of vehicles, so take a look around before starting the car. Knocking on the hood helps scare away any animals that may have taken shelter near the engine.
The important thing to remember is that if it’s too cold for you outside, it’s too cold for your pet as well. Take care to keep your pet warm and comfortable for a safe winter season.
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