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Home » Ensure Your Home’s Safety While You’re Away
April 26, 2016

Ensure Your Home’s Safety While You’re Away

House at night

With the winter months behind us, what better way to welcome the warmth than with a vacation? Whether you escape by plane to a tropical beach or take your family on a road trip to Vermont, it’s important to take precaution to ensure your home’s safety while you’re away.

Here at Educators Insurance, we’re always looking out for your best interest and want to help make sure your getaway doesn’t result in your home being broken into or fire damage. Before leaving, follow these simple steps to help avoid any misfortunes:

  1. If you’re leaving any pets in the house, set your heat to approximately 72 degrees to ensure their comfort and safety. Ask a friend or family member to come over daily to care for them,  as needed.
  2. Unplug all appliances, such as coffee makers, air conditioners and televisions.
  3. Leave a light or two on inside and outside your home so it doesn’t appear deserted at night.
  4. Cancel delivery for your mail and newspapers or have a friend or neighbor collect them for you.
  5. Close your curtains and lower your blinds, so that someone could not view your valuables.

If you have the chance to get away with your family, we hope you take advantage of the opportunity. Following these steps will help ensure you return to a welcoming home.

LC 2016-174

Categories: Home Insurance

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