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Home » Know Someone Renting an Apartment? Show Them This.
August 10, 2017

Know Someone Renting an Apartment? Show Them This.

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According to a study published by the Insurance Information Institute, 59% of renters do not have renters insurance. Chances are you know one of them. If they experience a fire or break-in, are their belongings covered? The answer is no since laptops, gaming systems, televisions, furniture and clothing are not covered under the landlord’s policy. Share the following with them and you might help them prevent future headaches. 


  1. Loss of Use: If a renter’s apartment is deemed unlivable due to a disaster covered under their policy, their additional living expenses will be covered. No need to crash on a friend’s couch for months – hotel bills and meals may be included while their living space is being repaired.
  2. Liability Claims: Paying out of pocket for property damage and bodily injury lawsuits might be more than a renter can handle. If someone slips and falls on their property and sues them, medical payments can be covered up to the liability limit.
  3. Additional Coverages: Optional features include lock replacement, identity fraud, refrigerated product loss and more. Educators can help you determine any additional coverage you may need depending on your situation.

Renters can save money with valuable credits for superior construction, safety and security devices, and multiple policies. Call 888.908.6822 to reach a representative at Educators who will help you determine your renters insurance needs and provide a free quote. We offer exclusive discounts to MTA members and their families.


LC 2017-360  

Categories: Renters Insurance

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