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September 8, 2021

Defensive Driving Techniques

Defensive driving is one of the most important things you can do to prevent injury on the job. Let’s take a look at the meaning of driving defensively and discuss techniques for staying safe.  What is Defensive Driving?  Defensive d...
August 13, 2021

Will Home Insurance Pay to Remove a Tree from a Yard?

Storms are one of the most common causes of damage to a home. Even in a small windstorm, a tree limb can land on your home or fence and create thousands of dollars of damage.   In many situations, your home insurance is available to help cover ...
July 16, 2021

4 Defensive Driving Tips That Save Lives

You don't drive aggressively and you observe all driving laws. If this describes you, then you should feel good about your driving. However, a serious driving accident may still be in your future. Why? Because other motorists who don't drive as well ...
June 1, 2021

Home Insurance and Other Structures

If you look around your neighborhood, you might see sheds, gazebos, swimming pools and fences. Have you ever wondered if those structures are included in your home insurance policy?  The answer depends on your policy. These are considered other...
May 19, 2021

5 Tips for Kicking Bad Driving Habits

Everyone makes a few mistakes from time to time, but kicking bad driving habits can save you money. You may be able to avoid fines for a ticket. You may also be able to keep your auto insurance rates low. How can you kick those bad habits you are not...
April 22, 2021

Upgrade Your Insurance When You Upgrade Your Home

Every homeowner should keep up with their home’s necessary improvements. This can include safety upgrades as well as cosmetic remodeling. Any major changes can affect your home insurance policy and your coverage should be adjusted to suit the c...
March 4, 2021

Things to Remember When Comparing Auto Insurance Rates

It’s only natural for every driver to want to pay as affordable a price as possible for their car insurance. However, there are many factors at play that can influence how much you might pay for your plan. In the end, your auto insu...
February 15, 2021

Cash Value Homeowners Insurance

Protecting your biggest investment—your home—is crucial, but it can also be costly. If you are considering buying a house but are worried about expensive premiums, you may want to consider a more affordable cash-value policy.   ...
January 26, 2021

How Does Age Impact Your Auto Insurance Premiums?

Getting older is not something you can avoid, and as much as you might not notice it day to day, it will begin to catch up with you. As wonderful as it is to reach another milestone birthday, age also has its drawbacks. One that many people don&rsquo...
December 31, 2020

Why Fire Alarms Will Lower Home Insurance Premiums

  No home, anywhere, is immune to fire risks. A house fire might arise at any time, triggered by anything from a kitchen accident to a problem in your home’s wiring. However, the results will always be costly, no matter how severe the fire...

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